SEPTEMBER 28, 2023
- Replaced various shrubs, trees, knock out roses etc. Continuous clean up around the lake.
- Replaced the U.S. Flag at the front entrance and trimmed the tree.
- Letters have gone out regarding parking on the street; boats, trailers, etc. parked in driveway and keeping lots maintained.
- By Laws and Restrictions are being delivered upon request.
- Working with our attorney on various problems in our neighborhood that needs legal attention and collecting past due association dues.
- The light poles have all been painted.
- Retained a 99.1% on lot owner collection dues (collected 225 out of 227)
- We have had some success on encouraging replacement/repair of old mailboxes, please address your mailbox if necessary
Thank you to all residents for their help in observing Parkridge’s restrictions. We appreciate each & every one of you.
- Parkridge Residents Association